This is NOT a commitment or contract to adopt. It is for informational use only.
PLEASE BE ADVISED : We will contact your landlord and/or homeowners association if applicable and your veterinarian to verify vaccination history. We will verify home ownership, and do a background check for all adults. We reserve the right to refuse adoption at any time. Last Hope requires that all animals be kept as indoor pets only, be altered and kept current on vaccinations and preventatives and look for adopters to have a history of this with their current/former pets.
When your application has been successfully submitted, you will receive an automated email from with details around next steps. If you have not received an email, please be sure to check your junk/spam folders and if a message is not found here, you will need to resubmit your application.
First Name*
Last Name*
Zip/Postal Code* -
Home Phone*
Work Phone x
Cell Phone
Birth Date:*
Preferred method of contact?
If employed please list employer, position and number of years with the company.*
Number of adults in home*
Please list the name, birthdate, and employer of each adult in the home*
Number of children in the Home. (part time & full time) Please list ages*
Please list the age of each child in the home
Does anyone in your household have allergies?
How often do you travel for business or pleasure?*
How many years have you lived at your current address?*
Do you live in a
Do you own your home?
Please list your landlord, home owners association contact, or property manager. Include name and phone number.*
Does your landlord or association have a restriction on the number of pets?
Does your landlord require declawing?
Do you plan to declaw this cat? * Choose one: Yes No Don't know
Do you currently have other animals in your home?
Please list all of the pets you currently own- list name, breed, and age*
Please list the NAME and PHONE NUMBER of your current veterinarian. For animals that have passed away, please list the veterinarian they were seen by. We will confirm all your pets vaccinations with your vet. If you use multiple veterinarians please list them all. *
May we call to confirm your pet's medical history, vaccination status and spay/neuter? *Application will be denied without approval to talk to your veterinarian. *All animals in your home must be spayed/neutered and up to date on vaccinations for your application to be approved.
Are your current pets spayed or neutered?
Are your current pets up to date on vaccinations?
Are you willing to go to the time and expense of obtaining emergency veterinary care?
Are there any pets that you have had in the past that have passed away or that have been re-homed?* Choose one: Yes No
If yes please explain.
Have you ever adopted from a rescue or shelter before?
What animal are you interested in adopting? Choose an animal: Anchovy Athena Atlas Audrey Bear Billie Bo Bongo Boo Braizin Brit Broly Butters Caramel Charlie Chase Chase Chips Clancy Clark Diesel Dixie DJ Dodger Duke/Jock Ellen Felon Fish Garnett (must be adopted with Onyx) Goose Gravy Grayson Greta Griz Herkie Hippo Hoagie Isabel Jack Jax Jazzy Jean Jeffry Jerry Jerzy Jessa John Henry (DOC) Juliette Jupiter Kaia Carson Kayla Khloe King James Kirby Laekyn Latte Leonardo and Michelangelo Liam Lily Lint Louie Lucky Lucy Luna (must be adopted with Ricky and Ricky) Maisleigh Mama Rosemary Mario Matilda and Trixie Max Mocha Naiah Nevaeh Noodle Nyx Onyx (must be adopted with Garnett) Oscar Otis Palmer Porkchop Porter Prince Quinn Radio Ricky (must be adopted with Luna and Luna) Romeo Roo Rosalee Ruckus Rusty Ryker Sarge in Charge Siren Soot Sophia Sparkle Spot Star #2 Starr Steele Stevie Tallulah Tally Thin Mint Thor Tiger Tink Trigg Trixie Velma Victoria Watson IC Whiskey William Wonder Boy Wynona
Why are you interested in this particular animal?*
If the animal you are interested in was not listed above, please provide the name here.
Are you open to meeting animals if this animal is no longer available or doesn't meet your expectations?
Please describe what you like/liked most about having a companion animal. *
Describe your ideal companion animal. Why are these preferences important to you? *
If you are approved to adopt one of our available companion animals, what do you think he/she will enjoy most about living with you? *
Who will be responsible for feeding the pet? *
Who will be responsible for cleaning the litterbox? *
It takes time for animals to adjust to a new environment. How much time are you prepared to allow for your new pet to adjust to your home?*
What will you do with your pet when you’re traveling?*
Will your cat be:
How will you entertain/exercise your pet?*
When you need to correct your cat's behavior (urinating outside the box, keeping you up, etc.), how would you do it?*
What type of unacceptable behavior would cause you to give up your pet?*
What will you do if a member of your household develops allergies?*
How did you hear about us or this animal? *
References must be 21 years of age or older. Please only use 1 family member and do not include references that share the same address or live with you. Please notify your references that if you choose to adopt with Last Hope, we will be contacting them. It could delay the process if they do not return our calls/emails.
#1 References Name*
#1 References Phone Number*
#2 References Name*
#2 References Phone *
#3 References Name*
#3 References Phone*
I certify that the information that I have given is true and I authorize investigation of all statements made above. I recognize that any misrepresentation of facts may result in losing the privilege of adopting a pet. I understand that Last Hope Animal Rescue has the right to refuse any request for adoption for any reason. I authorize Last Hope Animal Rescue to investigate all statements in this application and to call my veterinarian and all listed references. I understand that a home visit will be required before my application to adopt will be approved. Initial to indicate you have read and understand these statements *